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Beautiful landscaping around a home not only increases the overall value, it also acts as an advertisement. Increasing “curb appeal” in the mountains does not require an expensive investment. As a matter of fact, there are many species of plants that naturally thrive in Big Bear, CA.

About.com suggests attractive landscaping can increase your home’s value from 7% to 15%. Trends suggest perspective buyers are interested in low-maintenance yards with year-round visual interest.

Xeriscaping, landscaping that minimizes water usage by relying on native species, requires less maintenance and creates a better natural habitat.

There are seven basic principles involved:

Planning a Design

Sketch out your property, including buildings, driveway and vegetation. Decide how much maintenance you want to do and choose your plants.

Soil Analysis

Properly prepared soil will retain moisture. Plan to build and maintain a compost heap and replenish your soil’s nutrients.

Appropriate Plant Selection

Be sure to group together plants with similar soil and lighting needs.

Turf Planning

Turf will provide a play area for the yard and will help to control erosion.

Efficient Irrigation

An efficient irrigation system will help your plants to develop a strong root system. Sprinklers and drip irrigation systems are the best. Be sure to watch for run-off.


Prevent weed growth and prevent evaporation with proper mulching. Some choices include; pine bark, leaves, gravel, newspaper and fabric.


Proper planning will help you to control weeds, reduce fertilizer applications and avoid heavy pruning.

The Big Bear Lake Department of Water and Power recommends using Lilacs, Wild Roses, Service Berries, Manzanita, Rose Sage or Elderberry for local shrubbery. Cactus, Sage Brush and Yellow Rabbit Bush are examples of plants that thrive in our rugged mountain conditions.

To view a variety of local plants, visit the Big Bear Lake Discovery Center. Follow the sidewalks around the center to view a variety of native plants. The Discovery Center offers nature walks on the weekends, where you can learn more about native plants.

Did you know going green can save green? Call the DWP today to inquire about the turf buy back and toilet rebate programs at (909) 866-5050 ext. 202 or email swebb@citybigbearlake.com.

 More About Landscaping Your Property;

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Native Plants

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